A better alternative to the traditional agency setup



A north star

Since we are a network of cross-functional people with different angles and competences that should be able to collaborate in the best way possible we need some type of north star representing what we are striving for. Dream Valley is a utopian list of what is needed to be a successful organisation at the moment besides the product or service you’re offering.

This is a living document aggregated by the network. If you feel something is missing, should be revised or removed then let us know in the form in the bottom and then we discuss it collectively when we meet.

Dream Valley 1.2

Value & purpose driven

  • Values ​​are expressed and complied with.

  • Values, vision and mission give the organization a clear guide but space to be able to act independently.

Customer Centric

  • Focuses primarily on developing great customer experiences.

  • Has mapped customer journeys and adapted the processes accordingly.

  • The offer includes the total user experience where the product/feature is just a part.

  • Target groups are divided based on behavior, needs, interest, values ​​and situations.

  • The offer and/or revenue model is not divided into online/offline but is packaged based on what best meets the needs.

  • High customer satisfaction is prioritized.

  • Know where target groups come into contact before, during and after a purchase/case.

  • The target groups feel that all different touch points (online/offline) are interconnected.

  • Know how the target groups experience the contact before, during and after a purchase/case.

  • The transaction is considered only as a part of the customer value.

  • Have a close relationship with the target group who can be involved in creating and developing the business.


  • Cares for and integrates ecological, social and economic sustainability

  • Cares about long-term brand building.

  • Good at constantly changing and adapting resources if needed.

  • Have a good balance in the offer regarding today and tomorrow.

  • IT infrastructure has low technical debt (long-term sustainability)

Fast-moving & curious

  • The management actively supports change work and digital change with a strong focus on innovation and are themselves active in the work.

  • The business has a strong overview of the development as well as what waves of change (trends) affect the industry and how.

  • The strategy is vibrant and constantly updated as changes in the outside world require it.

  • The strategy gives the business a clear guide but space to be able to act independently.

  • Good at capturing new ideas and solutions, assessing, developing and successfully launching them.

  • Although there may still be departments, they work very closely, openly and naturally with each other from a customer perspective (cross-functional team).

  • Works continuously with innovation in a clear process both internally and openly (open innovation).

  • Communication between employees takes place via more open communication channels (social services on intranets, Slack, wikis etc) which means that more people can access the information faster)

  • A culture where it is important to dare to fail where you quickly learn and move on.

  • A culture where it is more important to reach the goals than to work in the "right" way.

  • Digital services and systems are fast, simple and stable.

  • Development is test driven and agile.


  • Has a clear vision and mission that takes a digital perspective into account and gives a clear answer to why the business exists (in addition to making money) that engages both employees and the outside world.

  • Have clarified what role they have in their customers lives and the outside world.

  • Have a common strategy that most people in the organisation know and act on (conscious/ unconscious)

  • Goals and key figures are clear and linked at all levels (overall, departmental, team and individual level).

  • Plans follow common goals and digital is a natural part of the business.

  • Have a clear plan for what is outsourced and what is done internally.

Relevant & credible

  • All communication is part of a well defined ecosystem.

  • Communication is primarily initiated by the customers activities and is largely automated (Always-On).

  • Communication in the SEE stage is primarily communicating values, vision and mission.

  • The communication is adapted to the specific properties of the contact surfaces.

  • Own, borrowed and earned contact surfaces are used as much as or more than purchased.

  • Communication is largely customized close to purchase.

  • Have high knowledge of which communication works and can optimize in real time.

  • Good at be present in contexts that are important to the customer/user.

  • Honest - Doesn’t try to use marketing to make a pig a tiger.



Embracing tech

  • Always uses cloud services where it’s possible.

  • Know when to build in-house and when to outsource.

  • Existing IT infrastructure is mapped, supports the company's goals and has a plan for how it will be developed.

  • The IT Infrastructure is module-based and external systems can easily communicate with open APIs.

  • Has a high degree of automation.

  • Uses digital technology to enhance, supplement or defend existing offerings.

  • Uses digital technology to develop offers that challenge existing offers.


  • Has incentives that promote collaboration.

  • Understands the importance of process work and how to work with it.

  • Also understand how to evolve the process and that the goal is more important.

  • There are documented processes that are used and that fully support the core business.

  • Is good at using infrastructure/tools to streamline processes.

  • Process measurements are used continuously for improvement and automation.

  • Processes and working methods work well both within and between departments.

  • There are responsible people for all essential processes.

  • Has a well-developed process for identifying, creating, cultivating, developing, recycling and liquidating customers, suppliers and other partners.

  • Have a good balance between external and internal skills.

  • The next one always has access to the right skills.

Data & insight driven

  • Decision making is basically fact-based but can sometimes be taken on intuition (eg to test a hypothesis or to win time) but is always evaluated afterwards.

  • Data analysis is used continuously in all parts of the organization and everyone has access to it.

  • The quality of the data and the systems is high and it is easy to compare and analyze it.

  • Data analysis is mainly done by predicting and optimizing outcomes.

  • Uses data to make real-time decisions (algorithms) 



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